A message from XRCO Chairman, Dirty Bob:
BACKGROUND: The 2020-2021 XRCO NOMINATION videos (originally shot at home because of covid) worked GREAT and we received a tremendously positive response so - we will now be making one every year! But now you can shoot them at home - or anywhere you like!
We strongly suggest that you watch all (or at least some) of the 5 previous year's videos to give you ideas - and see examples of how you can personalized things:
YOU will be in the upcoming 2025 Video announcing the NOMINATIONS for the big 41st annual XRCO AWARDS SHOW!
Each of you will be given either a NOMINATION CATEGORY or "IN-BETWEEN" the noms slot. Your choice (as available)!
"In-Between" are vid clips that can go between the noms clips. They are usually funny, creative clips that center on YOU rather than nominees. To see examples, go to the first clip of the 2024 Noms Video; at the beginning is a great example with Gigi Dior. FYI - she went way beyond to make this elaborate short video clip and is much more than we need - but it was very well done so we put it at the beginning as an opener! We believe that the "In-Between" vids actually give you more screen time and presence.
If you are given a NOMS category to announce: Easy stuff - basically, you state your name, category name, and the nominees from a list we will provide. Anything else you say or do before, after, or during this is totally up to you! Also, you don't have to say "and the winner is" at the end. Most of the clips are NOMS announcements and that is the core of these videos. Again, to get ideas, watch and see how others do it.
In the past we have had some performers just stand there and read off the noms - which is fine if that is all you want to do - but we strongly suggest doing a little bit more; something your fans may expect to see you do that makes you stand out - see the previous videos for ideas end examples. After all, this will reflect on you so show yourself off - have fun, be creative, make it sexy and entertaining!
The idea is to make it
NO EXPLICIT FULL NUDITY, but feel free to otherwise be as sexy, suggestive, and revealing as you like.
Nobody will complain about what you SAY - be clean, dirty - whatever!
Show plenty of cleavage if you like - or any of your other physical attributes.
Be as nice or as naughty as you want to be!
Being sexy and teasing is fine - after all, they ARE for ADULT awards!
If you want, toss in any social media links for yourself (or provide them off-camera and we will try to add them to the screen)!
Yes, you can include others who are IN THE INDUSTRY in your video clip if you like, but please identify them if you do. Otherwise, just you is fine.
We prefer that it be shot in LANDSCAPE (horizontal) mode which will fill the entire screen, but if you have to, we can, grudgingly, also work with PORTRAIT (vertical).
Feel free to overshoot and make it any duration (within reason). Extras takes never hurt.
Send us everything shot as we may have to so some slight editing.
BLOOPERS? If you have any good ones, include any bloopers in a separate file or at the end of your video clip. We will use them at the video's end if they are really good!
Make it fun. And as long as the quality is good, you can shoot it anywhere you want - like at home, on the set, in your bedroom, at the beach, in the tub, on the roof - anywhere!
Shooting by video cameras or a good cell phone (in 1080 HD) will be ideal.
Feel free to push the envelope; after all, this IS adult-oriented.
Note: PLEASE keep the noms to yourself - at least until they are officially announced! We have to trust you on this!
Once the video clips are shot and sent in, they will be edited (by US) into the final production as needed.
Deadline? This needs to get done ASAP. Deadline is almost here.
The best and easiest way to send in these video files is to
use WETRANSFER.com and send it to: bob@ketteringphoto.com
It is totally free - and easy to do.
To be safe, ALSO send it to this phone number: 937-299-6700
Questions? Text or call Dirty Bob at 937-299-6700.